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Image of Jenny Kidd

Formerly a web editor and developer, I now research at the intersection of digital heritage and participatory cultures. Recent publications have explored; algorithmic systems and digital memory, crypto art and questions of value, social media communications, and varied uses of immersive media. My work is generally collaborative and has included partnership with (for example) Historic Royal Palaces, Imperial War Museums, Tate Britain, Amgueddfa Cymru, yello brick and the Welsh Centre for International Affairs. 


I am a Managing Editor of the open access Journal Museum and Society, Series Co-Editor of Bloomsbury Studies in Digital Cultures, and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for De Gruyter's Museums and Narrative series. In 2016 I was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts.


My books include Critical Encounters with Immersive Storytelling [with Alke Gröppel-Wegener, 2019, Routledge], Representation: Key Ideas in Media and Cultural Studies [2015, Routledge] and Museums in the New Mediascape: Transmedia, Participation, Ethics [2014, Routledge]. Edited books include Challenging History in the Museum [2014, Routledge] and Performing Heritage [2011, Manchester University Press]. 


I am currently a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute (2024-6) and a Research Fellow at the Creative PEC.

Image of Eva Nieto McAvoy

I am interested, firstly, in how technologies shape the memory work and cultural practices of their users and pro-users. Following a (post)digital arts and humanities approach, I take a long view that spans from the early days of radio to more recent AI synthetic media. Secondly, I study the perceived value of digital practices (eg, immersive experiences, blockchain technologies, machine learning) for different stakeholders in cultural institutions and public service broadcasters, looking at how institutional practices are shaped by technology, and digital and cultural policies. In both approaches, a central focus is on the ethical implications of new technologies, charting the lack of diversity, inclusivity and sustainability of digital initiatives at institutional level, but also as new forms of creative media intersect with corporate interests and narratives. Studying social media campaigns by cultural (relations) institutions, a focus of my work has been on thickening strategies towards a methodology that captures the qualitative dimensions of digital engagement.


Most recently, my work focuses on the concept of ‘synthetic pasts’, exploring the ways past-ness is evoked, framed, re-worked and distorted through automated and algorithmic intermediaries and global media platforms.

Image credit for this page: Google's Duet AI, 30 Nov 2023, prompt by JK_

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